Contact Info

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School and Library Visits

Please see the Author Visit tab at the top of the page for a detailed list of the various presentations I have to offer.

Critiquing Author’s Work

Because I’m a teaching assistant and working on three different writing projects at night, I’m afraid there isn’t time left over to offer to critique others work.  Consider creating or joining a critique group in your area, or check the links on the For Writers page for writing tips.

Letters from Readers

I love to hear from my readers!  I strive to answer each e-mail or letter personally within a couple of weeks of receiving it.   To mail a letter, please enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope and mail your note to:

Tamra Wight
c/o Islandport Press
P.O. Box 10
Yarmouth, Maine 04096

Katie Erickson of the Jennifer De Chiara Literary Agency