
Cookie and I decided to take a little walk before the Super Bowl. As usual, I was weighted down with my cameras.  It was a good thing too, for sitting proudly on the edge of the nest was one eagle.

I made Cookie sit and stay quietly as I aimed my camera on it.

Cookie nudged my arm with her nose and harrumphed at me after I’d taken what felt like a thousand pictures.

“Sit. Stay.” I mumbled as I kept my eye on the camera. I just knew the eagle would take off at any moment.

Cookie nudged me one more time, but I gave her the hand signal to stay.

From time to time, I’d quickly scan the lake, hoping the second eagle was coming back soon.  Every year I worry only one will return.  It would be so sad to not have eaglets after so many years of watching them.

Then, without warning, the eagle spread its wings . . .

Aaaaand  my battery died.

As I fumbled with a battery change, Cookie wandered off.  I turned to call her back, and there, two trees over, high above us, was the other eagle.  He granted me one regal look . . . I swear I saw a mocking glint in his eye, before he flew off to join his mate down the other end of the lake.

I could only stand there with my mouth hanging open, camera in one hand and the battery pack in the other.

So the two eagles are back!  It looks like they’ll be nesting with us again this year!

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4 Responses to Eagles!

  1. mona says:

    Beautiful Tam…battery waited for you!

  2. Kris says:

    Bring 2 batteries with you next time Tam and maybe you can get them both together and in flight, and them with babies…..Would love to see them…

    • Tamra says:

      you’ll have to come up sometime Kris. ;0) They sure are beautiful to watch. I have their schedule down now . . .they’ll be nesting by late Feb/early March. Babies born right around May 1st. We’ll see them clearly shortly after.

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