Hebron Station School Visit

When I heard that the Hebron Station School planned to use our Book Trailer Contest as a copyright learning tool, District Librarian Cindy Petherbridge and I schemed up an author visit to get the kids on board with the project.

On Monday, when I walked in the front doors, I was met by this wall mural . . . and practically dropped my bags in awe.

Honestly, don’t you just want to live here?


Cindy met me and we set up my equipment for my talk with K through  6th grade. Having a little time to spare, she asked if I’d like to see the library. I never, ever say no to that question. I just LOVE peeking into libraries.

And it just so happens I love library turtles, too!  Isn’t this one adorable?!!  Cindy said it was made by a local artist for their school.

I want one.


As the Hebron Station students ate their breakfast, I talked to them about the inspiration behind Cooper and Packrat’s adventures.  We talked about camping, hiking, kayaking and how my photography is my research tool.


We talked about the behavior I’ve seen first hand ~ of loons, eagles, foxes, turtles and the subject of Cooper’s fourth adventure – bears.


They were an amazing audience with great connections. They ooooohed and aaaaahed at all the right moments.  I had so much fun answering their questions.

After my presentation, we talked to 4th, 5th and 6th graders about Cooper and Packrat’s  Book Trailer Contest (open to all teachers and librarians, BTW)  You can find out more about it here.  

As I was packing up my equipment, students wandered over to talk to me about the contest. I reminded each one, they had my permission to use any and all photos on my website for this project.  Some students talked to me about their own photographs, which would be even better!  What amazing ideas they shared!

Over the next few days, Cindy and her colleagues will use this opportunity to put together a Book Trailer Boot Camp to teach students about copyright issues and how to use copyright free images in their creative works.  Then the students will start brainstorming a plan . . . a script . . . and a book trailer.

I can’t wait to see what they create! We’re going to display all entries at the book launch for Mystery of the Missing Fox on April 26th!  Stay tuned for more details on that.


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