Author Archives: Tamra
Writing Distraction – Barred Owl
This Barred Owl hung around my backyard most of yesterday during the snowstorm-ice storm. I was on a deadline to finish revising a third chapter for the week, hoping to turn them in to a writing partner by 5pm. Whenever … Continue reading
Cormorant Taking Flight
Summer is slowly coming to a close, the nights are getting cooler and in a matter of weeks, some of my favorite wildlife will head for warmer climates. So every chance I get to wildlife watch, whether by foot or … Continue reading
The Heron on Little Wilson Pond
Feeling my relaxing summer days coming to an end, I ditched the housework and school prep in favor of a kayak paddle. The sun was warm, the water calm. I paddled slowly, taking in all the sights and sounds including … Continue reading
Moose Sighting!
In the early days of running Poland Spring Campground, before it got too busy, we used to see a moose run through the 20’s (campsites) every spring and then again in the fall. Once, it even stopped to look in … Continue reading
Ashley: A Media Sensation
After my Maine Author Day booth at the Maine Wildlife Park was packed up last Saturday, I couldn’t resist going behind the scenes with a photographer pass to see this little media sensation up close and personal. Meet Ashley (park … Continue reading
Northern Flicker Sighting
Look who came to visit me yesterday, a Northern Flicker! Another of my favorite birds. I was surprised to see him spending a lot of time on the ground on the lawn, and at first I thought there was something … Continue reading
Cormorant Sighting
A couple weeks ago, I noticed this Cormorant perched on a branch to dry its wings. Look at its webbed feet ~ perching like that can’t be easy! I always thought Cormorants were more or less identical to loons in … Continue reading
June’s Wildlife Sightings
June has been a very exciting month for wildlife watching! I couldn’t resist showing you some of the sightings over the past few weeks. I’m so in love with our new location. There’s so much to see, so many animals … Continue reading
This Spring’s Backyard Visitors
When I talk to students at school visits, I always show my wildlife photography on the big screen. Loons, eagles with chicks, fox kits at their den with the adults, bears, snapping turtles battling. I talk about how researching them … Continue reading
Loggerhead Sea Turtle Release
Those who have followed along on my wildlife adventures, might remember that I have a connection to Sanibel Island. My husband’s parents introduced me to it years ago and it has become a home away from home. It’s been a … Continue reading