All the photos you see on this website are my own.
It takes a lot of quiet time – hiking the trails, paddling the lake, sitting behind a bush, or even climbing a tree, to find the wildlife I love to write about.
And once I do, I might sit there for an hour or two,
or three,
watching quietly,
snapping hundreds of images,
hoping for the perfect capture.
Of those hundreds of pictures, I may get 6 to 10 great photos. But I gain so much more than that, because monitoring the wildlife is how I research to create stories that are realistic and true ~
So readers like you can feel as if they’re on the lake and trails with Cooper, Packrat and I.
Below are some of my favorite photos from Maine and Sanibel Island, Florida. Please don’t copy to share or post without permission unless you are a teacher using them within a teaching curriculum. Students also have my permission to use these photos in their class projects. All I ask is that you keep the photo intact with my copyright information. I use many of these photos within my Descriptive Writing presentation as well.
Be sure to check out the Words and Wildlife Blog for some of my wildlife-stalking adventure stories, such as the summer I monitored a loon family from nesting and hatching, until they flew south for the winter. Or the time I videotaped a snapping turtle fight . . . which in turn ended up a scene in the first chapter of Mystery of the Bear Cub!

Harbor Seals – Casco Bay

Harbor Seals – Casco Bay

An Adult Fox on my front lawn

The Adult Eagles 2017 – one chick hatched

Barred Owl 2017

Loon and 5 week old chick

Black Bear – Maine Wildlife Park

Loon and Chick

Loon and chick – 2016

Loon and chick at feeding time – 2016

Black Bear at the Maine Wildlife Park

Nesting Loon

A Black Bear at the Maine Wildlife Park

Black Bears like the water, and they will take their cubs to it while they are still young.

Black Bear Named Red

Both of these bears are considered Black Bears. You can tell based on the tan color of their snout. Black Bears can be any color, from blond to black.


Snapping Turtle

Garter Snake