Tag Archives: birding
Calendars, Notebooks, and Note Cards
I will be selling my wildlife calendars and notebooks through the Holiday Season for as long as supplies last. In the past, I’ve used them for hostess and teacher gifts. I’ve given the notebooks to kids with Storycubes or a … Continue reading
Eagle, Wings Open Wide
I almost left this as a wordless post – and let the pictures do the talking . . . But this author doesn’t always know how to “do” wordless, loving instead to give the background on what I’ve witnessed ‘in … Continue reading
Hummingbird Fever
I swear, I’ve taken over 800 pictures of Hummingbirds this summer. There isn’t a lot of days off, when you run a campground, but I do find an hour here and there. Not usually enough time to head out in … Continue reading
Mother and Chick
Sometimes, when I go out in the kayak, I’m intent on finding photo opportunities. Sometimes, I’m looking for time to to let my mind wander in the quiet around me. Sometimes I need to “be” one with nature, to clear … Continue reading
Me! Me! Me!
While kayaking last week, I was amused to watch these baby Tree Swallows squabbling over who’d get to eat first . . . See how the one on the far end is hanging on by only one foot? The one … Continue reading
Eagles On the Run!
I’ve often seen birds harass the eagles, driving them from trees and even away from their own eaglets. But on Friday, I managed to catch a series of photos of it! I was watching the eaglets , and … Continue reading
Loon Chick!
For the last two years, the loons on our lake have lost their eggs after sitting on them for weeks. This year, they picked an amazing nesting spot, in the shadows and under a fallen branch. I’ve had my fingers … Continue reading
The Eagles Have Been Busy
The adult eagles are on and off the nest, bringing food to their two eaglets. They’re never very far away, keeping watch, keeping their little ones safe. Look at the difference in the talons in these next two pictures. Aren’t … Continue reading
2015 Nesting Loons
Today, after teaching, and after starting a large order for the campground store, I grabbed my camera and headed to the lake. No sooner had I pushed off shore, I spied a loon fishing halfway across the lake. I drifted … Continue reading
Hummingbird Obsession
Photographing Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds has become a bit of an obsession. I sit on the front lawn by my honeysuckle bush for an hour here, and an hour there, hoping for the chance to snap a photo or two. But they’re … Continue reading