Tag Archives: birding
Chickadee’s Thanksgiving Dinner
The campground is silent, blanketed in our first snowfall. Today I walked my trail, the first human footprints made. I say human, because I could see where the fox had trekked ahead of me. It was a beautiful walk, although … Continue reading
Saying Goodbye to the Kingfisher
My elusive Kingfisher. After an entire summer of chasing him all over the lake, he finally came to me, flying across the top of the water, and landing in the branch above me. He posed for quite awhile, chattering at … Continue reading
Loons Preparing for Winter
Like most of you, I took advantage of the gorgeous sunshine and warm temps this weekend . . . . sneaking out of the office and out of my writing duties to get on the lake both mornings. Sunday morning, … Continue reading
Early Morning Great Blue Heron
Saturday morning, I rolled out of bed, and fumbled for my sweatpants and sneakers. Running my fingers through my hair, I glanced out at the pre-dawn darkness, then at the thermometer. I chuckled. Forty-four degrees. I might have crawled right … Continue reading
August Was A Wild Month
So much has happened in the month since I last posted. The campground was super busy with our themed weekends, especially our Halloween ones! And mid-month, Mystery of the Eagle’s Nest launched! Over 200 people came to the campground, … Continue reading
Soaring Eagles
Cindy Lord met me on the porch of my campground office at 5am last Friday morning. After I made a pot of coffee and filled my stainless steel cup with the hot, dark liquid I craved at that time … Continue reading
Eagle Family Feud
I witnessed the most incredible wildlife-happening Saturday while paddling in from the loon count. As I made my way past the eagle’s island, I heard a ton of commotion. The eaglets were both on the nest, screeching at … Continue reading
Maine’s Loon Count
Thanks to the reminder from a friend on Middle Range Pond, I finally remembered to join in on Maine’s Loon Count. I’d always wanted to . . . planned to . . . then the date would come and go … Continue reading
Loon Yawn
Have you ever seen a loon yawn?? I have! The loon didn’t make a sound, as he gave the long, slow yawn, that ended with his closing his eyes and drifting away from me. I kayaked away, as quietly … Continue reading
Front Yard Images
Sometimes, the best photos and wildlife inspiration comes from my front yard . . . This yellow-ish woodpecker has been at my feeder all spring and summer. It has recently found a mate (not yellow) and has been feeding … Continue reading