Dr. Seuss Breakfast and Children’s Book Fair

I bought this super, cool Seuss t-shirt for two of the three events I have next week.


One is on Saturday March 5th ~ a DR. SEUSS BREAKFAST & CHILDREN’S BOOK FAIR in Oxford, Maine, which is being held in honor of Read Across America Week.

I’m the guest author and will read from my books and my favorite Dr. Seuss books, throughout the event. Reading aloud is one of my very favorite things to do!! I’ll have my wildlife photos on display and my books for sale, too.

The best part though? Each child attending receives a new book! And they can bring outgrown books to swap for others. I absolutely love this!!

A huge thank you to the Norway-Paris Kiwanis Club, and the Norway Memorial Library for inviting me. I can’t wait!

Price: $6 for breakfast (Kids 12 and Under are Free)
(pancakes, French toast, eggs, sausage, hash browns and beverages)
Time: 8AM – 11AM
At The Oxford Hills Comprehensive High School dining room

FMI contact Mary Anna Palmer at 539-4800 or Diana Mclaughlin at 744-6006.

Oh, and the second Read Across America Event – I can’t talk about that one yet. It’s a surprise.  Shhhhhh!


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Maine To Kansas

At Whittier Middle School, I get to be a part of great things.  Recently, Mrs. Shanning’s class and I connected with Ms. Loy’s Kansas Classroom during a Skype visit.  We gave them all kinds of facts about Maine, as they were about to launch into Cooper and Packrat’s  Mystery on Pine Lake  adventure.

We sent some postcards and a calendar with Maine animals to help them connect to the story . . .

and our beautiful state.



And this week, we’re connecting again!  Through www.edu.buncee.com, we’re making Virtual Valentine’s with a camping and nature theme!  Oh my goodness, they’re so much fun . . . I quickly became addicted.  You start with a background picture from their stock, or upload your own (I used my own photographs of the campground).  Then you add text, stickers, audio, and animation. Pretty cool!

Here are two of the Valentines we received from the class. Each student was assigned one of our students and vice versa.

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Check out the foxes!  And the tents!  Those campfires?  They flicker!  The hearts?  Float on the wind.

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Technology in education is amazing!  Our students have learned so much by connecting with the students in Kansas .  . . their small world is growing leaps and bounds!

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First Fox Sighting in 2016

I collected the SD cards from the trail cameras this past weekend.  I had my fingers crossed the whole way down and back, hoping for some fox footage.

And I got lucky.  There was only one video  and this is it . .. .


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Snowman and Friends Bloopers

I had a chuckle today, when this nuthatch showed up at the Snowman’s photo shoot.


I thought he’d be great addition to the Snowman’s friends.  But, alas, he pecked on the poor guy’s head.


He stomped his feet, kinda like, “Hellooooo?  Anybody in there?”


Then he eyed Snowman’s little friend.


Eventually, he saw the seed.


But in his greediness, he slipped and fell!


It scared him so much, he took to flight . . .


and our poor friend, the snowman . . .


just fell apart.

That nuthatch was NOT a very nice friend!


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Snowman and Friends

This time of year, when the words won’t come, the plot is stuck, and my character won’t do what I want him to do, I go outside to play in the snow.

It helps me think.

And this winter, I’ve taken to making little snowman friends for my bird friends.


I think they get along famously.

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The birds seem to like dinner anyway. Although, for some reason, they seem to think it’s take out.


But they always come back to visit.


And they bring new friends with them.



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I’m sure I’ll be stuck more than once this winter.  It happens to all writers, especially in first drafts. Feeding the birds, watching and waiting for them to show up, is another way I clear my mind so I can think clearly and work out all the kinks and dead ends in my story.

But I have new friends to help me get unstuck now. This is going to be a fun winter with the camera!

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2016 Eagle Nest Photos

Back on November 1st, I’d promised to keep you updated on our eagles as they got closer to nesting season.

Well, that time is here.

Yesterday, I donned my snowshoes to trek to the lake. The very first thing I do, is take a picture of the nest to compare.

Here’s the nest last April.  The nesting eagle had been quite upset at a juvenile eagle who’d been flying around the lake that day.



Here is what I saw yesterday . . .


If you look closely, you can see they’ve been adding a stick here and a branch there.


I saw no sign of the eagles that day, but they’ve been here!  These pictures prove it.

Every year I worry about the weight.  The wildlife biologist who’d come to band the eagles had said it weighed approximately 700 to 800 pounds!  Can you imagine!?

I’m looking forward to documenting our nesting pair this year!  To give you a timeline, they were sitting on eggs March 24th last year. I happened to be at the lake during one of their mating attempts a few weeks before that. And the eaglets were born a week before we opened the campground May 1st.  We still have a few weeks to go!

But it’s worth the wait.


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Gorgeous Cardinals

And here are the cardinal pictures I’d taken at Cindy’s house during the writing retreat. You should have seen me! Sitting *under* a high top table, camera sticking out a slightly open window, while Mona and Cynthia typed away (Cindy directly over me!)

But you see, Wildlife photography is a big part of my writing process. Not only does it give  me the hands-on research I need in the manuscript, but when I get stuck, really stuck, sitting quietly with the camera in the woods (or in this case, under a table!) is a way to move away from the words, quiet my mind, and to really listen to what my main character has to say.

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Snowy Owl Photos

So imagine this – it’s a gray, gray Saturday. But I’m lucky enough to be sitting inside a warm, sunshiny colored room, writing away with friends, Cindy and Mona. Around three o’clock, we all sat back and commented on what a great session it was. I personally added about 2300 words to my first draft!  I was satisfied.  I’d done what I’d come to do, gaining momentum on the first draft of a new story . .. . aaaaand gotten some face-to-face time with two of my favorite writers.

Noticing that I’d brought my camera with the big lens with me (I never go anywhere without it), Cindy asked if I wanted to go find the Snowy Owl.

“Nah,” I replied, looking out the window.  “It’s gray. It’s spitting rain. I’m not experienced enough to have had much luck with gray day photography -”

“Let’s go,” Mona said, jumping up. “I love gray day photography!”   Her enthusiasm is always so catchy!  The next thing I know, we’re all piling in the car and driving to the spot where Cindy and her daughter had spied the beautiful raptor a couple weeks before.

Now, I have a confession to make.  Whenever I encounter wildlife, or a beautiful setting unexpectedly, I get teary.  The first time I saw triplet eaglets . . . my first loon chick . .. fox kits . . . a gorgeous full moon rising up through a purple sunset sky . . . .

Very geeky of me, I know, but I do.

This time was no exception. As we neared the location, Mona gasped and said, “Look!”

My eyes filled, to see this magnificent creature fluffing up and preening at the top of a light post.


We slowly and quietly got out of the car and the Snowy Owl glanced our way with it’s yellow eyes.


Another photographer came to introduce himself to us and told us how he’d come and found this Snowy Owl perched in the middle of the field. Right before we’d arrived, it had flown toward him to perch on the light post in the middle of the parking lot.

I’d like to think it knew we were coming.  Okay, that’s impossible, I know.  But the timing couldn’t have been more perfect. We spent close to an hour standing there, ooohing and aaaahing. I snapped photo after photo, hoping I’d be able to capture it’s beauty.

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I’m so glad I have friends who are willing to push me to try . . . not letting me listen to my own doubts. This Snowy Owl was a wonder to behold.

And as it turns out, I did get some pretty good photos. Gray day and all.

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Bear Research for Cooper’s 4th Adventure

Last October, before the Gray Wildlife Park could close, I called and arranged for a Photographer’s Pass.  This, they assured me, would allow me behind the scenes to see the black bears, up close and personal.

I wasn’t exactly prepared for how “up close and personal” it was!

And I was thrilled!


Red sniffing a piece of apple, one of his favorite treats

The Black Bears have an amazing habitat, where viewers stand up high to look down on them as they wander, sleep, or even take a swim. The bears, in fact all the animals at the park, were injured or were raised to be human dependent and can no longer be released back into the wild. Instead, the game wardens care for them, and in return, the animals help to educate the public on wildlife awareness and conservation.


When the apples are gone, he licks the hand of Jade.

By getting the behind the scenes pass, I hoped I’d really be able to see them, hear their footsteps and their snuffling . . . .

. . . or watch them try to open a gate, hoping for one more piece of apple! (Okay, I wasn’t really thinking he’d do that . . . but it was cool!)


Look at the size of that paw!

Jade was a fabulous guide, listening to my reasons for being in the park, letting me ask questions and even helping me brainstorm a scene in Book 4!   Below, she’s trying to get Red to stand up, so I could “feel” the sheer size of him.


Here are Red (Left) and Susie (Right) together. They are both Black Bears, although Red’s fur does have a reddish tint to it. (Hence his name!)


Some might mistake him for a grizzly because of that tint to his fur, but Black Bears have a white muzzle. Which gives him away.


Both bears were “bulked up”, having gained weight for their hibernation. I’m looking forward to seeing them in the Spring when they wake up.  I think a season pass might be in order this summer!

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Pileated Woodpecker

Today, I found this Pileated Woodpecker flitting from tree to tree, looking for the carpenter ants it loves.

Watch closely to see how it flicks its tongue to snap up those ants.

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