I love lakes too, dear Jonathan!
(reprinted with permission)
I will be selling my wildlife calendars and notebooks through the Holiday Season for as long as supplies last.
In the past, I’ve used them for hostess and teacher gifts. I’ve given the notebooks to kids with Storycubes or a writing prompt book. Here are some pictures of the items I test printed.
The photos in both style calendars are as follows:
I’m also ordering 5.5″ x 4″ notecards, blank inside, with the bear, hummingbird, fox, eagle, and loon with chick, photos. The price for 10 (2 of each image) will be $15.00. Envelopes included.
For shipping, add $3.50.
To place an order:
I almost left this as a wordless post – and let the pictures do the talking . . .
But this author doesn’t always know how to “do” wordless, loving instead to give the background on what I’ve witnessed ‘in the field’.
While kayaking last August, I saw in the distance an eagle on the edge of the lake, in the shadows. It appeared to be bathing. The splashing water is actually what caught my attention at first. Well, that, and an eaglet up above on a branch hollering down to it, probably looking for its next meal.
Bathing pictures are on my bucket list, so I slowly paddled forward, hoping to get close enough, but alas, it took to the air.
In my direction.
Landing on a branch, almost directly above my head, it spread its wings, and left them there! In the back of my mind, I realized I’d read about this while doing research for Mystery of the Eagle’s Nest, but it was a first for me to see it.
I sat in my kayak, watching this photographic eagle for forty minutes! Mostly, it stayed in that one pose. Eventually though, it began to preen . . . .
Before hanging its wings again.
They’re so regal looking, aren’t they?
Right now, in October, November, the eagle pair do still hang around the lake. Just last week, I wandered to the shoreline for sunrise photos, to find them adding branches to their nest!
They will come and go for the next couple months, with me not seeing them for weeks at a time. But when I do, I’ll post photos here and on Facebook. In mid-January, I usually have to don my snowshoes to get to the edge of the lake to see them. In March, the pair stay closer together, near the nest, and I see them every time I trek down. If I’m lucky, I’ll even witness them mating, which is a sure sign we’ll be having chicks.
By mid to late March, or early April, we typically find one eagle sitting down in the nest, with just the tip of her white head showing. This means they’re on the eggs for the next 35 days.
During the very last week of April or first week of May, my campers and I point our cameras toward the nest, hoping for a sign of little gray chick heads bobbing up and down. They aren’t able to hold up their heads until they’re about two weeks old. At this stage we’re looking to snap pictures of two or possibly even three, gray heads up all at the same time as proof of how many chicks we’ll be following that summer.
Click on the Eagle tag on the right, and you’ll see previous years posts showing their nesting.
Come back often this winter and I’ll keep you posted on this years chicks! I love sharing my findings with all of you. If you have questions, please feel free to contact me.
And now I present the cover for Mystery of the Missing Fox!
Carl DiRocco has gone and done it again. This cover is absolutely perfect.
Here’s a blurb by Islandport ~
“The stakes have never been higher for Cooper Wilder. When an accident puts Cooper’s dad in the hospital, Cooper must shoulder some new responsibilities. But he’s distracted. First, he and his friends find a fox caught in an illegal trap on the campground’s land. Then kits start to go missing from the fox den. Who would want to catch foxes? And why? Cooper, Packrat, and Roy must protect the den, find the kits, and rule out Summer, the new girl who lives across the lake, as a suspect. Juggling new campground duties, feeling guilty over his father’s accident, and desperate to help the fox kits, Cooper must make some tough decisions about who–and what–should come first.”
Last Friday, I was honored to be the guest author at Albert S. Hall School’s Literacy Breakfast in Waterville, Maine. My talk – the inspiration behind the series. My hope – that students would learn they could find inspiration too, just outside their front doors.
When I arrived at 7am, I was eager to meet Jen Allen, my contact for the event. We’d been chatting back and forth for months, in anticipation of my visit. She introduced me to Anne Smith, Librarian and Barbara Jordan, Principal. I wish I’d thought to get a photo of the three of us, because I truly enjoyed meeting them.
As I entered the cafeteria to set up for my talk, this amazing collage greeted me
Look at all the little details! A lot of thought went into this! And I couldn’t stop bragging about it all weekend long.
I wish I’d taken a photo of the food table, too. If I hadn’t of had butterflies in my belly over having to talk to fifty families, I would have filled a plate myself.
Families slowly wandered in as I set up, and before I knew it the cafeteria was full and Barbara was introducing me.
I showed photos of loons and foxes for books 1 and 3, but I was especially excited to show the inspiration behind Mystery of the Eagle’s Nest; our nesting eagles, geocaching, the Grafton Notch box canyon and my campground, too.
Because all fifty families who attended, received a free hardcover copy along with a literacy folder that held among other things, a beautiful, empty writing journal.
I was a little envious of that writing journal, truth be told.
Once I finished speaking, I was ushered in the “back door” to the library, to find a a line of students waiting for me to sign their books. Meeting each one individually, really warmed my heart.
As I drove back to Whittier Middle School, to my own students, I reflected on the many positive interactions I’d had in my short hour and a half there. Above them all, was one I felt illustrated exactly what Jen, Barbara, Anne and the rest of the staff at Albert S. Hall School had worked so hard to accomplish.
I’d just finished signing the book of a 4th grade boy, when he looked down at it as if he didn’t quite know what to do next. Turning to another student, he asked, “Can I take it home?”
His friend said, “Yeah. It’s yours.”
“It is?” he gazed down at it in wonder.
He smiled, turning that book over and over his hands. I don’t think I’ll ever forget his look.
Albert S. Hall School, you’re creating book lovers, one book at a time. Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of that.
Every year, I look forward to hosting my writer’s group to a working weekend here at Poland Spring Campground. Fall is the time when I transition from primarily working on campground “stuff” to digging into writing projects. So meeting with other writers, sharing in their celebrations, hearing their struggles, brainstorming ideas and projects . . . it helps to motivate and inspire me. Spur me forward.
This year, I’m especially excited to share photos of the weekend with my students, because the critique circle, and its rules, are something Shannon and I have used in the classroom with great success. Knowing “real writers” use this method to give feedback on their work, makes the students more willing to share and trust in the classroom circle, too.
The authors and I worked hard, beginning at 8:30 with a “What’s New With You” whip around. Joining us this Fall, was our visiting editor Andrea Tompa from Candlewick Press. Each author has 20 minutes of time and everyone contributes to the feedback. Once again, I’m humbled and grateful for the in-person comments, support and loving-nudging that flew around the circle.
We have writers and illustrators, non-fiction and fiction, with picture book, middle grade, historical fiction, and Young Adult manuscripts in various stages. Some of us are published, some are very close. The projects read this year were absolutely fascinating!
I’m most excited to bring back to the classroom, a picture book dummy from Laura. It’ll be a great tool, when we start our graphic novel unit.
We worked hard, breaking every so often for movement. And of course, lunch. By 2:30 we were onto a Q & A with Andrea about the industry. And by 4:00, it was time to take a walk, kayak or read under the trees, before gathering again for supper.
And this morning, those of us who stayed the night, met for coffee in the office and decided to go for a quick early morning kayak ride . . .
In the rain, of course.
The rain passed. Loons flew directly overhead, so close we heard their wings cutting through the air. Still other loons called back and forth from area lakes, chorus style. And eagle flew down the shoreline. The sun came out. The wind picked up. We headed back.
Now six of us are left here at the campground, working, writing, revising. Inspired by each other to keep doing what we love. Driven to put the perfect words, in the perfect order, to write the story we were meant to write.
And tomorrow, I’ll share all this with my students.
Then ask them to do the same.
Today, I took all the names, of all the teachers and librarians who entered the contest, and brought them to my classroom. Mrs. Shanning was nice enough to let me hijack some of our Writing Block time so our students could help me choose the winner of the Cooper and Packrat Classroom Package.
First, I explained what the contest was all about – why a paperback is so important and why authors celebrate the release of it. They enjoyed reading all the entries from teachers and librarians; laughing at the antics of monkeys and skunks, marveling over the descriptions of moose, fox and bear being seen up close and personal.
Then we took our Star Writer-of-the-day and gave her a Packrat-like vest-of-many-pockets. Pockets on the outside. Pockets on the inside. Pockets on the backs and sides.
Then we took all the folded up entries and shook them up in chest.
One by one, each of our nine students picked a random name, unknown to them, and put it in a pocket of the vest.
And Shannon too . . .
And the students gave a drum roll . ..
As the Star Writer, pulled a name from one of the pockets.
She unfolded it . . .
Aaaaaaand . . .
The winner is . . . .
Lori Hannon-Theaker!! Librarian Specialist at Perryville Elementary School!
From Islandport Press and I, Congratulations Lori!!
I truly enjoyed each and every story, telling them over and over again to anyone who’d listen. Thank you all so much for sharing!!
Edited to make one little change: The students in Shannon Shanning’s and my classroom, are very intrigued and excited by the paperback edition of Mystery on Pine Lake. So I’ve asked them to take part in this Giveaway by pulling the winning name for this contest! Look for a blog post tomorrow, highlighting the winner!
I swear, I’ve taken over 800 pictures of Hummingbirds this summer.
There isn’t a lot of days off, when you run a campground, but I do find an hour here and there. Not usually enough time to head out in the kayak to see the loons, eagles or heron. But time to sit in my little corner of the front yard.
From there, I have a front row seat to the Honeysuckle bush. And Hummingbirds love Honeysuckle.
It’s fascinating to watch them flit here and there, to and fro. Not a sound is made, but the branches of the bush dance below them from the sheer force of their flapping wings.
Sometimes, sitting quiet on the front lawn yields the best photos of all.
I just received exciting news! The paperback edition of Mystery on Pine Lake, will be released September 18th!!
Just in time for back to school!!
I’m going to have a contest for teachers and librarians surrounding the release date. Check back in September for the details.
Also in time for back to school, I’ve added a Teaching Guide for Mystery of the Eagle’s Nest. Developed by Shannon Shanning, Maine’s 2013 Teacher Of The Year, it was tested in the classroom on her students. We warned them they’d be guinea pigs . . . so they were honest with us about the lessons. It was a great collaborative effort!
Shannon and I love to receive feedback, so please let us know if you use the guide. You’ll find additional projects and ideas on my Pintrest Page, as well as on Twitter.
Have a great 2015-2016 School Year!!