Eaglet Update



I thought you might want an eaglet update.  They’re growing very quickly!


And holler?  Oh my, can they holler when they’re hungry!


The eagle parents are sticking closely to the nest these days. For some reason, the geese make them crazy; flapping their wings, throwing their heads back and giving the danger call until the geese move out of the area.


When the adult eagles move from side to side in the nest, the eaglets pull themselves across the nest after them, by using their wings and beak.

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These two little ones are big and strong. We’re going to have fun watching them grow this summer!

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Contest Winners!

Sorry it took so long to post the winners, but the campground store was hopping busy today!  After the long, long winter, it felt awesome to have so many campers and readers in the building.

First, I’d like to say how much I loved reading all the camping memories you posted.  Each one was unique and from the heart. Thank you for posting and playing.

I took all the names, wrote them on scraps of paper and tucked them randomly into the pockets of my coat. It doesn’t have as many pockets as Packrat’s, but there were eight to choose from.


Then I waited for just the right contest pickers to come into the office. Eventually, two young men arrived, one of them telling me how much he loved both my books, and how he’d bought one yesterday. “You did?” I exclaimed.  “I can sign it for you, if you do me a favor.”  I winked at him.

“Sure!” he said.

I explained the rules of the contest, and what I’d done with the names.  “I need you each to chose one,” I said.


The first young man chose a pocket from the right side of my  coat.



The second young man, chose one from the left side.




Linda Gray and Kim Campbell, you’ve each won a set of Cooper and Packrat books!  I’ll need to get your addresses to mail them. My e-mail address is on the contact page.


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COOPER AND PACKRAT~ Teacher & Librarian Appreciation Giveaway!

So very many reasons to celebrate this week ~

First off, it’s Teacher Appreciation week!    I’ve met many amazing educators the last few years.  I’m blessed to work in RSU16, a district in which the staff is not only knowledgeable, but welcoming and inspiring, too.  They’re cheerleaders in and out of the brick and mortar buildings we work in. As a teacher, and a parent, I’ve seen first-hand how they go above and beyond to make sure students get the education, time and attention they need.

I’ve also been privileged to meet incredible teachers and librarians outside my district while promoting and teaching Cooper and Packrat.   They have so many creative ideas when it comes to teaching literacy, and I’ve learned so much through my visits to their schools and literacy events, from their tweets and Facebook posts.  Thank you all!

This also happens to be  Children’s Book Week; the annual celebration of children’s books and reading. I was a little surprised to see Children’s Book Week was instituted in 1919, and is the longest-running national literacy initiative in the country. That’s 96 years, people! 96 years!!  BRAVO!

And, last but not least, my campground opened this week, too!

Clean Up  (10) IMG_1917


Clean Up  (12)

We had a happy, energetic group of campers who raked our sites and roads in exchange for donuts and camping!  We couldn’t have had better weather for it, either. We’re off to a great start to the 2015 Season!!

For these reasons and more, I’ve decided it’s time for another Cooper and Packrat giveaway for teachers and librarians, in appreciation for all they do.

Cooper and Packrat cover MysteryoftheEaglesNestFinal

I have two sets of Cooper and Packrat, Books 1 and 2, to give away.  Teachers and librarians, all you have to do is leave your name, school and favorite summer memory from your childhood in the comments below by midnight, Friday, May 8th. If it’s a camping memory, your name will be entered twice! (Please don’t post on FB or Twitter, even though I’ll promote it there, as I’m afraid of missing someone’s entry)


And this Saturday, I’ll have my camp readers pull two names as winners.

Good luck!








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Uninvited Guest

As I walked to the lake yesterday (without boots!) I could hear the unmistakeable cry of an eagle.  I hurried, hoping to see the adults switch places on the nest.  Or maybe get a glimpse of them bringing food back.


But when I got there, the nesting eagle was alone.  Every couple of minutes, it threw back its head to give the squeaky, danger-in-the-area call.

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I kept waiting for the mate to fly in, as they usually do, to holler in duet against the danger.  For twenty minutes, I waited, with one eye on the sky.


The eagle continued to cry, even though I couldn’t see what had upset it so. The loons weren’t in the area.  Nor crows or seagulls.  The osprey didn’t appear to be hunting either.


Suddenly, I heard the flapping of a large wingspan.  Looking straight up, I realized a juvenile eaglet had been over my head, hidden in the branches of a big pine the whole time!  It flew down the shoreline, only to circle around and come back again.


I never did get a good picture of the juvenile, as he soared over the trees I was standing under. I would have kept camera-hunting him, but the black clouds had arrived to let loose a steady stream of big, fat raindrops.


I still have no proof of the eggs hatching, but this eagle did seem to be sitting a little higher on the nest.  I’ll check again tomorrow to see what I can see!

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A Walk on the Eastern Prom

Today, my husband and I walked from the Eastern Prom (ME) to the Old Port, along a very busy bike/walk path; Casco Bay on one side, the Narrow Gauge Railway on the other. The sun shone down, the birds were singing, kids rode bikes, joggers passed by and the seagulls called out.

It was a glorious day!

Portland Bay Walk  (12)

Mockingbird singing a happy song from a low branch as people passed by.

Portland Bay Walk  (26)

Sailing school is in session!

Portland Bay Walk  (27)

The Narrow Gauge Railway had quite a few passengers.

My husband geo-cached, but the call of the osprey lured me away to the bay’s edge. I searched high and low. Finally, I found them. They were quite a ways away, but I had my camera on me. To be honest, I rarely go on a hike without it.

Check out this nest!  All the rope mixed in with the sticks.

Portland Bay Walk  (44)

The one on the nest was hollering like crazy, and I soon figured out why.  Another osprey wanted the nest.

Portland Bay Walk  (48)

They dove and danced in the air.

Portland Bay Walk  (49)

Portland Bay Walk  (59)

Portland Bay Walk  (51)

Portland Bay Walk  (53)

Until one of them claimed the platform for themselves.

Portland Bay Walk  (54)

Even so, the osprey who’d been kicked out, circled overhead for quite awhile, crying out to anyone who would listen.


Portland Bay Walk  (70)


Portland Bay Walk  (72)

Portland Bay Walk  (73)

It looked to me, like he hadn’t quite given up the fight yet.

Portland Bay Walk  (95)

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First Loon Sighting for 2015


Yesterday, as I walked the red-blazed trail through the campground and along the shoreline of Lower Range Pond, I looked out over the water and gasped!

My loons were back!


The ice had only been out for a day!  Somehow, they always manage to time it perfectly.



The pair called back and forth, location calls.  My eyes got teary hearing them, I hadn’t realized just how much I’d missed it.


Whenever their call rings out, people stop what they’re doing to turn toward the sound.


Hopefully, we’ll have a successful nesting season this year, as the last two years did not yield chicks. ( If you click on the Random Loon Tag on the right of this post, you’ll find the blog posts describing why.)


I should be revising, channeling fox kits for book three, as the Mystery of the Missing Fox  is due to my editor next month.  But the sun has just poked its way through the clouds and I cannot resist going down to the lake to find these gorgeous birds and to hear their call again.

The manuscript will be there when I get back.

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Switching Places

Yesterday, the weather turned glorious! Warm breezes blew over the still frozen lake, as birds chirped from every corner of the forest.

I took a long walk along the shoreline, camera slung around my neck, ready to shoot.

And I wasn’t disappointed.

I was just in time to watch the eagles switch places sitting on the eggs.





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And this time, the departing eagle flew right over my head!

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Only two or three minutes passed before the eagle left on the nest hunkered down for their watch over the little ones.

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Lately, there’s been a pair of seagulls who soar high overhead the small patch of open water on the lake.  The eagles don’t like this, not at all!  The one on the nest will call out, and the mate flies in to help protect the family.

Such good parents!

April vacation arrives soon. And with it, my walks will increase.  My notes from 2014 tell me that the eaglets were born right around April 18th, so you can bet I’ll be down at the lake as often as I can!

And I’ll keep you posted too.


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Nesting Eagles 2015


Somewhere around March 24th, the eagle pair settled in on their eggs.


Look at that smile!

Each egg was laid three days apart and thirty-five days from then, chicks will be born.  Both adults take turns sitting on the nest, and they’ll turn the eggs approximately every two hours.

After the eggs are laid and the eagles start their long sit-in, or as I like to call it, a snuggle-in, I will always see one on the nest. They won’t leave those eggs alone. They’ll keep them warm and dry and safe to predators in the air, such as ravens. Or predators from down below, like raccoons.

Nesting Eagles 3-25-15  (27)

When I trudge to the lake now, through the 6 inches of snow which lays over most of the campground, I can count on seeing the one on the beautiful nest they built.

Nesting eagles 3-24-15  (40)

Eyes to the sky though, I’m looking for the mate not on the nest. And if I’m lucky, I’ll witness something amazing like this . . .

Nesting Eagles 3-25-15  (46) Nesting Eagles 3-25-15  (45)

One eagle bringing sticks to the nest, adding on to the castle, so to speak.

Or a juvenile, soaring overhead, but not daring to come near.

A hawk looking for its next meal.

But what I’m most anxious for, is eaglets.

It won’t be long now.


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Where Have I Been? Here, There and Everywhere!

I’ve been fortunate to visit a few schools full of readers and writers over the last couple months.  And every visit was so special!

In February, I was able to meet Librarian Lynn Howker and the 4th, 5th and 6th grade students of Monmouth Middle School.

monmouth 8

We talked about descriptive language, and how fun it can be to build a boring, short sentence into a long, interesting one.  And we practiced how to find those descriptive words with Packrat’s Pocket Game.

Monmouth 3

One student wears a coat/vest like Packrat’s, and they choose one of the many pockets it holds. While they look away, I show their peers the item in the pocket.  The challenge is for the peers to describe the item without staying its name, and for the student to guess what it is. It’s harder than it sounds!

Monmouth 2

Monmouth 1

On March 4th, I Skyped with two third grade classes in Buxton for World Read Aloud Day.

Mystery of the Eagle’s Nest was the book they chose.  One classroom asked for Chapter 1, as they were just about to start it.  The other had finished, and asked me to pick a favorite.  So of course, I had to choose a bathroom scene.  Afterward, I answered questions from the students. Always my favorite part!  And what fabulous questions they had!  I especially liked showing them the campground office, through my laptop, from my house office window.

I wish I had a photos, but alas, it’s hard to read, Skype and take a pic too.

Just last week, I visited with the 3rd, 4th and 5th graders from Mast Landing in Freeport.

Mast Landing School (4)

Mast Landing has such a pretty, two story library.  I could have spent a whole afternoon, lost in the stacks.

Mast Landing School (2) Mast Landing School (3)

My presentations were held under great art, of Maine treasures.

Mast Landing School (1)

It was such a special treat to have lunch with the Library Pages, a group of volunteer students who give their free time to help with the numerous Library tasks. They asked wonderful questions about writing, reading and what it felt like to be on the Maine Student Book Award list.

And there was ice cream!  How’d they know I looooove ice cream?

Thank you to all the schools I’ve visited!  I hope you’re enjoying Cooper and Packrat’s adventures!


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The Eagles Are Twitterpated!

Walk Dec 26  (32)

December 2014


March 2015

Can you see the diffference?  And today, there were even more branches on the nest!  Ice fisherman told me the eagles had added to it all morning long.

The eagles are getting ready to lay their eggs!

I’ve snowshoed down every day, hoping to see the tell-tale sign, of one eagle, nestled in the nest.  When she does, we’ll only see the very top of her white head. Last year, she was sitting on eggs March 8th.

Until then, the eagles continue to visit the nest and add to it.

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