Escaping the Cold

Last week, I was fortunate enough to escape to Florida for a few days.  Some of that time, was spent taking my son on college campus tours.

But the rest of the time was spent walking Sanibel beaches and paths with my camera.

Soaking up sunshine.

In my bare feet.

Pelicans were the bird of the week for me.  Every time I turned around, they were there.

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But I also saw an Anhinga, drying its wings by the side of the road.  They dive like a cormorant, but their markings are more stunning.


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Quite to my surprise, I caught a great photo of a Pileated Woodpecker, who was skirting the woods near the beach.


I took sunrise photos


And sunset photos, all in the same day.

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But I think my very favorite photos, were those of a little Western Sandpiper, taking a salt water bath . . .


Because he looked like he was enjoying it so . . .


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I haven’t even begun to wade through the hundreds of photos I’d taken while on Sanibel.  Stop back again, because I’m sure to have another batch to share . . .

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Fisher Mitchell’s One Book, One School Program

Cooper and Packrat  had the distinct honor of being the book chosen for Fisher Mitchell’s One Book, One School Project 2015.  Two hundred and sixty hardcover copies of Mystery of Pine Lake was distributed through the school, thanks to a generous grant from the Tabitha and Stephen King Foundation, and support from the Bath Elementary Schools PTA.


260 copies!  Whoa!

Joan Newkirk (my contact at Fisher Mitchell), and the rest of the teachers and librarians, had many wonderful activities planned to go along with the event.  Dress like a loon day, dress like your favorite character day, two breakfasts with read-alouds from the book, my two-day visit and a Pot Luck evening event, just to name a few.

And look at this bulletin board!


A poem by Mary Oliver – The Loon on Oak-Head Pond


I was very disappointed when after waiting months, my first day to visit was snowed out – but the second day was still a go!

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When I arrived, I was given a fabulous space in the library and told to “make it my own for the day”.  Heaven!

As I waited patiently for students to arrive, several students and teachers poked their heads in the library to ask, “Are you Tamra Wight?” When I said yes, they’d grin and continue on their way.  A few brought their books in to have me sign.

There were four sessions in all, spanning grades 3 and 4. We talked about ideas, the inspiration behind Cooper and Packrat, and how my photography is my way of researching and documenting wildlife notes.  But mostly we talked about descriptive language and how important it is.

Playing What's in Packrat's Coat?: Descriptive Language Game

Playing What’s in Packrat’s Coat?: Descriptive Language Game

The students had wonderful comments, connections and questions.  One young lady, when asked where ideas come from, responded, “Your heart.”

She stole mine, with that answer.

Next Thursday, I’ll return to meet the fifth graders.  The snow better stay away!

We managed to squeeze in the Pot Luck Dinner and Author Presentation that same evening before the big Friday storm. Rather than go home between the classroom presentations and the Pot Luck, Cindy Lord and Mona Pease agreed to meet me for latte’s and chai at Cafe Creme.


The drinks were warm, and the conversation light.  I just love these two ladies and their readiness to keep me company, in spite of my last minute wanna-meet-up, shout out . Not only did they brave the cold to come see me, they returned to the school to watch my little presentation and take a few photos of it.

The line for the pot luck was long!  So many wonderful families came!  One young man told me it was “an amazing turn out. You never know how these things will go.”


While everyone ate, it was time for me to read from Cooper and Packrat.  Since many of the students had already begun the book, I chose Chapter 10:  a chapter about meeting and greeting around the campfire, old friends and new, coming together.  It felt appropriate, considering the meeting and greeting that was happening at the Pot Luck.


Being introduced by Principal Berkowitz


My little thank you speech


Reading Chapter 10

My favorite part, of course, was talking to parents, teachers, PTA members and of course the students themselves.


I signed many books, and I will get the rest next Thursday for sure.


Some students snuck a peek at Mystery of the Eagle’s Nest, while they had a chance.


This young lady, had a hard time giving it back to me.  She left happy though, when I told her the library had gained an extra copy for loaning that day.

And the frosting on the cake, in an already amazing day, was having this cool cake presented for desert.


None of the students would allow the servers to cut into Cooper and Packrat’s faces . . . so one Mom took Cooper home, and I took Packrat.

So glad those two are well loved!

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Photography and Revising

These are the months where I have the most time to play with my camera, but the subject matter is limited.  My loons have gone to the coast.  The eagles roam, not yet tied to a nest full of chicks, the heron has migrated, turtles are buried deep and the fox kits are just a gleam in their parent’s eyes  . . .

So I turn to my backyard chicks.  If they were my children, they’d roll their eyes at the number of times I stand in my little front yard with my biggest lens trained on their feeders.  You can almost hear them say, “Really?  Really?  Isn’t that a little bit of overkill there? Go find a snowy owl for goodness sake!”

But it’s more challenging than one would think.  Over the last couple of days, whenever I was stuck in my manuscript, I’d take the camera outside for a few minutes.  Then at night I’d pour through the photos to see what I’d caught.  From the five hundred I took over the last couple of days, perhaps twenty to twenty-five were salvaged.  Ten of those are sharp and crisp.  Some I wish I had do-overs for . . .


Grand Central Station

Right before a storm is best.  The feeders are a hub-bub of activity, the birds almost don’t pay me any mind at all as they choose their seeds.


Finches devour the seed, leaving a chickadee waiting in the wings


Emotions are high on these days . . . . everyone wants their turn at the feeder.



Wait your turn!


Downy Woodpecker


Mourning Dove with snow for a hat

Focusing and shooting birds who are perched and chowing down is fun, but I longed for a bigger challenge.  Incredible photos.

Flight photos.

So I turned my camera on my newest feeder, a shiny glass ball, where the flight in and out was constant.

Well, almost constant.

Red Feeder  (3)

With a little guidance from my husband, the photos became sharper and more interesting.

red feeder take2  (56) red feeder take2  (44) red feeder take2  (30) red feeder take2  (24)

But there were still a lot of photos I had to cut, interesting photos, but not clear enough, crisp enough to save.  I had to take comfort in the knowledge that I could try again another day.

Last night it hit me, for me, revising a manuscript is a lot like revising my photos. For every 1,000 strings of words, perhaps two hundred make the cut. Some need a little sharpening and re-focusing from a editor.  Some are put aside as a maybe.  Some you never need to touch, perfect in their rawness, from the minute you first wrote the words. Some are junk and just have to go.

Add color and substance here.  Move a chapter there.  Try to find the very perfect combination of contrast, exposure and depth . . . .

And of course, cheekiness . . . .

red feeder take2  (41)


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More Eagle Activity


Adding to Nest 1-2-15   (2)

As I approached our lakefront last week, I spied an adult eagle soaring overhead.  I ran, camera in hand, which isn’t easy to do!  And I made it just in time to point and shoot . . .

Adding to Nest 1-2-15   (3)

praying the settings were good enough.

Adding to Nest 1-2-15   (4) Adding to Nest 1-2-15   (5) Adding to Nest 1-2-15   (11)

Such a graceful landing!

Adding to Nest 1-2-15   (18)

This adult appeared to be checking out the nest, looking down upon it several times before flying off again.

Adding to Nest 1-2-15   (24)

Can you tell how excited I am that we’ll have eaglets to watch again this year!!

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Eyes Were Bigger Than His Talons

Loving Christmas break from school for many reasons, but mostly for the many long walks through the woods I’m allowed.

Walk 12-28-14  (23)

Santa brought me a new trail camera, so I’ve put the old one down by the beaver hut, since they’re so elusive and it’s pretty obvious they’ve been working hard on the den lately.  Of course, once I put it there, I’m not content to just let it sit, I have to hike down every day to see what images it’s caught.

While I was there yesterday, I heard the call of the eagle.  The dead tree they like to sit in is very close to the beaver hut, but can’t be seen by line of sight.  Even if I hadn’t heard them, I would have known they were there, because I could see cars stopping on the causeway to get a look.

So I waited.  And waited. And after fifteen minutes, I got my wish.  I’m sure my gasp of surprise could be heard across the lake!

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This adult was headed toward the nest, quite a ways from the beaver hut!  They were adding to the nest!

I could see a speck of white on the nest, which told me the other adult was waiting patiently for this addition.  Or perhaps its an offering?  A sign they were agreeing to reconnect?

But alas, halfway to the nest, the eagle began to drift downward, the weight of the stick was too much.


Once again, I gave thanks for my long lens.  Those of you who are familiar with Lower Range Pond, know how great the distance is from from the beaver hut to the golf course side.  I was able to watch as the eagle tried to keep a hold of its prize.

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But alas, he couldn’t do it.   I picked up a four foot stick that lay on top the beaver hut and felt the weight of it in my hand.  I was amazed the eagle carried a stick that large for as far as it did!

He bit it.  He moved it back and forth.


He thought about it for quite a bit.


When the second adult called from the nest, he decided to abandon it in favor of joining his mate.


I hurried down the trail, hoping to catch them both on the nest with my camera, and managed to take this one shot.


I know from experience that mating doesn’t happen until March.  But this is a sure sign the process has begun.  And even though I’ve seen, documented and reported the ritual many, many times, I still get teary when I realize they’re going to start another family in my backyard.

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Today’s Read-Aloud Warms My Heart



Today was one of those wonderfully, perfect days where I was reminded why I write for children.

And why I’m a teaching assistant.

And why those two things fit together perfectly.



A few weeks ago, I posted here about visiting the classroom of an author friend, who’d  created a campfire for her students to sit around, as they read Cooper and Packrat.  When I gushed about the experience to my reading/writing students and co-teacher Shannon Shanning, they insisted we try it too.

Shannon brought in the hot cocoa and  popcorn.  I found some leftover graham crackers and chocolate in my cupboard from the campground.  And together we scraped up the Fluff, yellow, red and white tissue paper, paper bags (to make logs) and lights to create an indoor campfire read aloud!


Our students actually tried to warm their hands over the flames!

I can’t explain in mere words how rewarding it is to read aloud from the Cooper and Packrat books to my own students.   Their reactions; gasps, giggles, questions and shout-outs inspire me constantly.

When Gavin burps the alphabet aloud, and the boys started trying it too, as the girls and I rolled our eyes?  Priceless!



I read two whole chapters, just because I love doing it, so!  But then we had the students take turns reading as well.  I especially enjoy letting them in on the little behind-the-scenes notes;  like the bathroom scene from book 2 where the goons take Oscar from Packrat and hold him . . . . well, . . .   anyway . . . and how that scene was inspired solely from my editor having asked for Oscar to make an appearance in book 2 – and my wanting to put Oscar in trouble.


Days like today, really warm my heart.  And when I’m back at my home desk, alone,  fingers poised over the keyboard, wondering if all my ideas have been used up, if I’ll ever find the perfect combination of words to finish a scene, I remember those students.  I remember their questions, their praise, their groans from a cliff-hanger-chapter-ending.  And I press forward, trusting in myself to find the next exciting scene that’ll make them, and all my readers,  gasp out loud, turning the page, looking for more.


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Chickadee’s Thanksgiving Dinner


The campground is silent, blanketed in our first snowfall.  Today I walked my trail, the first human footprints made.  I say human, because I could see where the fox had trekked ahead of me.

It was a beautiful walk, although I didn’t see any wildlife to take photos of until I returned to my own front yard, where the birds were feasting on the sunflower seeds I’d put out before I left.  I caught these images of a chickadee digging into one . . .


First he peeled the outer layer


When my camera made its clicking sound, he looked right at me, as if to say, “Mine!”


Then he went back to it, checking me out every so often to see if I was still there.

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Eventually he pulled the meat out.


I thought he’d swallow it whole, but no, he put it back between his feet and proceeded to have his Thanksgiving dinner.

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And as he swallowed the last bite, he looked back up at the feeder, wondering he had room for seconds.


I hope everyone had a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving.  May the weeks and days leading up to Christmas be joyful.

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S’more’s, Packrat’s Coat and Q & A fun!

Not too long ago, I was asked by one of my critique partners if I’d have time to Skype her third grade classroom. “We’ve read the first Cooper and Packrat,” she’d told me, “And started the second.  They’re loving them so much!”

“I could try to scoot over for a visit, you’re school day is longer than mine,” I suggested.

“Oh!  You could be our Mystery Reader!” she’d exclaimed.

I’d always wanted to be a mystery reader!

I counted the days until finally it was time.

Cumberland 6

So, I knocked, once, twice, three times.  And smiled to hear the squeals on the other side of the door.  Questions flew around the room, then silence.

My friend’s voice.  “Are you a boy? Knock two times if you are. Once if not.”

One knock from me.

More chatter on the other side.

“Are you a grandmother?”

One knock.

“Are you a Mom?”

Ah-ha! Trick question.  I knocked twice. More squeals.

“Wait, wait,” I heard one girl say.  “Is it one of OUR moms?”

My friend repeated the question.  “Knock two times if not.”

I knocked once . . . then twice.  Lots of squeals.

“Is it the writer of Mystery of Pine LAKE!? Is it?” I heard from a student. “Oh I hope so!”

My friend asked the question.  “If so, knock twice.”

I knocked once.  Pause.  Twice.

Oh my goodness! What a welcome!



They had a campfire going in the middle of the classroom floor!

Students pulled me this way and that, showing me the work they’d done with the first Mystery of Pine Lake, and now Mystery of the Eagle’s Nest.

They were very proud of Packrat’s coat.  Every time they read a scene in which he pulls something from it, they add it here.

Cumberland 1

Cumberland 5

Yes, even the mouse and the forgotten tuna sandwich!

I didn’t know I’d put 29 things in his coat, since Chapter 1, Book 1!  Very cool!  (I may need to use this for my own research)

Cumberland 2

When they were settled down, I spoke to them of inspiration.  Of my writing process.  Of  Book 3 – Mystery of the Missing Fox. I showed my wildlife and campground photos.   Soooo very many thoughtful and well thought out questions flew around the room.

And then . . . they made me a s’more.

Oh my goodness, but that tasted good!

Cumberland 3

I had so much fun!  Thank you for inviting me Ms. Cooper!  I hope you all enjoy the last couple chapters of Mystery of the Eagle’s Nest as much as I enjoyed visiting your classroom!

Cumberland 7



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Beavers Foraging

It was late twilight, and I was walking the red-blazed trail that follows the shoreline, when  I saw two figures moving toward me from the middle of the lake.   I hid behind some brush thinking they were ducks, but wanting a closer look.

Mind you, I had no monopod. The camera lens was fully extended. Not the most ideal conditions for taking wildlife photos.

As they got closer I gasped in amazement.  The very creatures I’d been trying to capture on camera since late summer, in person and on the trail camera were moving toward me!

I snapped several photos and had to edit them heavily, but this is what I got!


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Oh, how I wish they’d come out to play in the daytime!

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Whittier’s Book Launch for Cooper


On Tuesday the 28th, I had a second book launch for Mystery of the Eagle’s Nest.  This time, it was hosted by my colleagues at Whittier Middle School.  I’m so fortunate to work with people who support what I’m most passionate about, outside of school.

We asked Hope from Wind Over Wings to bring her staff, her adorable owls, clever raven, and proud Eagle, Sky. I knew our students would absolutely adore them!


Book Launch at Whiitier (1)

Pippin, the Saw-Whet Owl


Book Launch at Whiitier (2)

Tansy, a Screech Owl

And I was right, everyone was quite taken with them.

When it was time to begin, our principal Mr. Vincent, got the show rolling, by introducing me to the crowd,  numbering 65+.

Book Launch at Whiitier (3)

I talked and showed photos about the inspiration behind Mystery of the Eagle’s Nest; eagle behavior, our family geocaching adventures, and the canyon setting which inspired the opening and climactic scenes in the story. Then I read Chapter 1.  Halfway through, I noticed a young man, sprawled on the floor in front of me, following along in his own copy.  My hands itched to get a picture of him!

Book Launch at Whiitier (8)

After my little presentation it was time for the winged stars of the show!  Sue gave her presentation on ravens and how clever they can be.

Book Launch at Whiitier (11)

Book Launch at Whiitier (15)

And then Hope brought out Skywalker, a golden eagle who’d been shot out of the sky.  He’d had one wing amputated, and after months of physical and emotional recuperation,  now educates the public on the awesomeness of raptors.

Book Launch at Whiitier (23)

Book Launch at Whiitier (25)

Book Launch at Whiitier (27)

Oh, how I love that eagle and his story!  So much so, I’ll be signing them to present at the campground next summer. I know my campers will love them!

As I went on to sign books by the makeshift campsite, Carole and Cathi sold books,


while Shelley helped the kids make their own s’mores . . .

and Julie and Shannon instructed attendees on how to make eagles from hand and foot prints.


These are two of my students who were quite proud of their crafts!  And I was quite proud to have them in the audience.


A huge public thank you to everyone who helped make the evening a magical one!

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