Eaglet Twins 2016

Every Spring the campers and I stand lakeside with our binoculars and cameras pointed at the eagle nest. The big question is  . . .

Is there one eaglet in there?

Or two?

I’ve been taking pictures for a little over a week now, and I kept seeing this


and this . . .


and this . . .


and even this!

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And while that was all beautiful and interesting and full of inspiration . . . it wasn’t what I was looking for.

Finally, today, I saw it!




And then . . .



I’m so excited to find we have two eaglets this year!! It’s going to be fun to watch them grow.


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If She Hollers, He Will Come


Just a couple days ago, I was lakeside, when suddenly, the female eagle cried out several times.  I looked up, down, and all around, but I couldn’t see anything more than a lone goose, swimming along in front of their island.

Then she stopped and looked up expectantly.


And I saw him, in the distance. He circled and circled and circled the nest, eventually coming in for a landing.

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He stood watch while she ate and cared for the eaglets.


I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating . . . eagles are great parents!

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And The Winner Is . . .

Today was the day Mrs. Shanning and I had set aside for our students to vote.

Not for their favorite ice cream.

Not even for Class President!

But for something waaaaay more important . . .

to choose the winners of the Cooper and Packrat Book Trailer Contest!

Mrs. Shanning and I went over the expectations first, reminding our students of their own book trailer projects  and keynote presentations; the work, thoughtful creativity and time that goes into getting just the right images and messages across, without having too long a video.

And of course, it had to be original and fun!

Then we reviewed the rules about copyrighted material, making sure to ask permission if need be, listing sources, and making sure the entries had the author, illustrator and publisher’s name within them.


Then we watched.




And watched again.


Our students then voted. And I must say, many of them said it was a very, very hard decision. Each and every entry was amazing in its own way. Having made book trailers themselves, they knew the hard work and thoughtfulness that went into them.  Bravo!!!

Now . . .


Without further ado . ..


Here are our winners!


Drum Roll Please!!




Third Place -(There was a tie!)

Mrs. Richard’s Group 2 and Group 3

4th grade students at Rumford Elementary School

Rumford, Maine

3rd Prize: A wildlife calendar signed by the author (to each group)



Second Place

Mrs. Richard’s Group 1

4th grade students at Rumford Elementary School

Rumford, Maine.

2nd Prize: 1 copy of Mystery of the Missing Fox
and a wildlife calendar signed by the author



First Place

Mrs. Graffam’s 4th grade class

Hebron Station School, Hebron, Maine

1st Prize: A classroom set (15 copies) of Mystery of the Missing Fox
and a wildlife calendar signed by the author



Congratulations to all the winners from me, Mrs. Shanning, and our 7th and 8th grade students!

Now excuse me, as I go back to watch them all again!


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Backyard Fox Sighting

I was staring out my back window, sipping coffee, when an adult fox wandered through our campground maintenance area.  I set my coffee cup down so hard, liquid sloshed over the sides onto the table.

“Quick! I need my camera! Where’d I put it?” I cried, running from the campground desk to my writing closet and back again.

“I didn’t have it last,” my husband teased. He never has it, actually.

Eventually I found the camera, and sighed with relief to find the fox still there. Which in itself was a little surprising, because we don’t see them often and when we do, they’re passing through.

Turns out, this one was doing more than passing through.



It was collecting a cache.  Stored food – hidden days, weeks or even months before.

I slowly, slowly, slowly, opened my window, which was three stories up from the fox’s location.   It looked up, but when I stilled, it went right back to searching.




Eventually, it found its prize and pulled it from the earth.

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Then chomped on it for awhile.

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I took photo after photo after photo!  It was gorgeous. And a learning experience for me.   I’d written about foxes and their caches in Mystery of the Missing Fox, but had never seen it first-hand.

More importantly, I believe its being so close to the house, is that perhaps the kits have been born.  My trail camera should show me in mid-April, when the first kit emerges from the den into the sunlight.


Once the cache was eaten, this adult didn’t stay long.


It continued on its way, back toward the den.

I’m so glad I saw it, when I did.


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Nesting Eagles during Wind Storm

Our eagles seem to be doing well, in spite of the 50+ mph winds taking place today.

I sure hope she doesn’t get sea sick up there!

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Hebron Station School Visit

When I heard that the Hebron Station School planned to use our Book Trailer Contest as a copyright learning tool, District Librarian Cindy Petherbridge and I schemed up an author visit to get the kids on board with the project.

On Monday, when I walked in the front doors, I was met by this wall mural . . . and practically dropped my bags in awe.

Honestly, don’t you just want to live here?


Cindy met me and we set up my equipment for my talk with K through  6th grade. Having a little time to spare, she asked if I’d like to see the library. I never, ever say no to that question. I just LOVE peeking into libraries.

And it just so happens I love library turtles, too!  Isn’t this one adorable?!!  Cindy said it was made by a local artist for their school.

I want one.


As the Hebron Station students ate their breakfast, I talked to them about the inspiration behind Cooper and Packrat’s adventures.  We talked about camping, hiking, kayaking and how my photography is my research tool.


We talked about the behavior I’ve seen first hand ~ of loons, eagles, foxes, turtles and the subject of Cooper’s fourth adventure – bears.


They were an amazing audience with great connections. They ooooohed and aaaaahed at all the right moments.  I had so much fun answering their questions.

After my presentation, we talked to 4th, 5th and 6th graders about Cooper and Packrat’s  Book Trailer Contest (open to all teachers and librarians, BTW)  You can find out more about it here.  

As I was packing up my equipment, students wandered over to talk to me about the contest. I reminded each one, they had my permission to use any and all photos on my website for this project.  Some students talked to me about their own photographs, which would be even better!  What amazing ideas they shared!

Over the next few days, Cindy and her colleagues will use this opportunity to put together a Book Trailer Boot Camp to teach students about copyright issues and how to use copyright free images in their creative works.  Then the students will start brainstorming a plan . . . a script . . . and a book trailer.

I can’t wait to see what they create! We’re going to display all entries at the book launch for Mystery of the Missing Fox on April 26th!  Stay tuned for more details on that.


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Eagles On Eggs 2016

I think I may have witnessed our eagle laying an egg!!

The behavior was something I hadn’t seen before.  When I arrived, the female was sitting on the back edge of the nest facing me.


As I watched, she turned.  Her body straightened. Then she cried out sharply, once, twice.


She did this a couple of times.  I was too far away to see what might be happening, even with my camera. But I didn’t spy any predators, or the mate.


Eventually, she turned back around to face me.


She began picking at the nest, before slowly making her way into it  . . .



and sitting in the position I know so well.  On the eggs!

I went back an hour later and she was still sitting low on the nest.  The eggs are here!!


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Cooper and Packrat’s Book Trailer Contest

From the time I was a student myself, and through the twenty five years my children have attended school, I’ve always admired teachers and librarians.  Working as an Ed Tech these last five years has only made me love them more.  They put so much of themselves into their classrooms, their lesson plans and their relationships with students and peers. They quite often work late, and go into their classrooms on the weekends because it’s quieter then and they can accomplish more. They chaperon dances because their students ask them to. Teachers and librarians wipe tears, advise on friendships and counsel on “dating”.  They create a writing club, coding club, guitar club, or sewing club, and give up their lunch time to oversee it . . . all because there seems to be an interest.


Me on the left and my best friend Holly, in sewing club.


Me on the left and Holly, learning to sew.

Sometimes, it’s the little things that impress me most, how they’ll personally buy books, paper, staples, or pencils for their room, because the budget has been frozen.  And no, pencils aren’t expensive.  Unless you go through 5 packs of 50 every three days.

More than anything, my author self enjoys meeting educators on their own turf, in their element, within their classrooms and libraries. I learn something new every time. Get inspired every time. Make new friends every time. And I always hope to give back something, too. Every time.

But alas, the duties of my campground and my own teaching job, keep me from getting out into the educational world as much as I’d like.  Even finding time to connect on Facebook and Twitter can be challenging, especially if I want to get some writing done!  I’m blessed to teach in a district which encourages me accept a few school visit invitations each year, and I take advantage of that. But I also don’t want to be away from my own students too often. They may be middle-schoolers, and they don’t often show it outright, but they miss me when I’m away.

Truth be told, I miss them, too.

So, I’m constantly searching for new and fun ways to connect with my readers and to support the educators who support them, without having to leave the classroom too often.  And if I can include my own students and  school in the process, it’s a win-win!

Recently, when Shannon introduced a book trailer project to our students, and we realized how much fun they were having with it, we had an ah-ha moment.  What if we created a contest using book trailers?  What if we tied it into the release of Cooper and Packrat’s third adventure?  What if our students were judges?

And what if, knowing how valuable books are to educators, the winning classroom received a set of 15 copies of Mystery of the Missing Fox? 

I’ve created a special page for Cooper and Packrat’s Book Trailer Contest –  so we could keep all comments and FAQ in one place. Islandport Press, Shannon, and I hope you’ll enter for a chance to win a classroom set of Mystery of the Missing Fox. 

We can’t wait to see what you come up with.



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Buxton Elementary School Visit


I had such an amazing time with Buxton Elementary’s 3rd grade classes last Friday!  I was going to Skype with them for Read Aloud Week, but instead surprised them with an in-person visit. Hearing their gasp of surprise . . . Priceless!

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I brought photos to show the inspiration behind the book . . . photos of the campground, loons, eagles, foxes and the animal I’ll weave into book four.

And then I read Chapter 1 of Mystery of the Missing Fox.


Connecting with readers is one of the most important jobs I have.  I only wish I had more time to do it!

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Sanibel Island 2016

As we have, for many, many years, my family and I went to visit my in-laws on Sanibel Island, Florida for our winter break.  It’s a home away from home. I love the beaches.  The restaurants. The kayaking.

And the wildlife.


This year, I got wind of a new place to hang out.  Bunche Beach, just over the Sanibel flyway, in North Fort Myers.

The place didn’t disappoint.  Pelicans dove for their food as pesky gulls tried to steal it.

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A large Great Blue Heron basked on the beach.


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While taking a day cruise to Cabbage Key, I was able to see dolphins!  They follow the cruise boats daily, without the captain changing course at all. The louder we cheered and clapped, the higher they jumped and the more they rolled.

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Even the little ones.


When our time came to an end on the beach, Dave and I folded up our chairs and picked up our bags. I turned to find this guy waddling out from the treeline behind us.


I dropped my chair and raised my camera to get that one shot above. He scurried away so fast, I never got another.

Dave and I laughed.  I picked up my chair and we walked along the shoreline toward the entrance and parking lot. A few feet later, a gentleman called to us. “Hey!” he yelled. “Check your bag.”

I looked at my camera bag, but he was pointing to the bag Dave had. In it, we’d brought sunscreen, towels, and books.

The man came closer to show us pictures he’d taken on his phone. “When the two of you took a walk, it came out of the woods.”  The picture he showed us, was the raccoon standing on its hind legs, looking into our bag!  I wish I’d thought to ask him to e-mail me the picture. It was adorable.

That raccoon, has now inspired a subplot in Book 4.

You never know quite where inspiration will strike.

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